What kind of dog is this?
Why do many people love this specific dog?
Do they grow to be big dogs?
How big do they grow?
Are there any illnesses that this specific dog could have over time?
If so are there any cures?
Are these type of dogs easily trained?
Are they great with chidren and people in general?
What is the best quality in these dogs?
Would you consider this to be a family dog?
I think dogs are a possible topic (look at my comments on Stephen's liver-shunt dog and Lisa's about dog-human bond), but your questions here don't have a great deal of intellectual depth. They seem the sort of question you could answer with one of those informational booklets about different dog breeds that you can buy at the pet shop. Are there other, broader issues you could think of, that maybe involve something borader than just questions about the breed? I had one student who wrote about pit bulls (which could bring in issues related to their reputation and legal liability implications). If anybody has suggestions, please contribute them!
ReplyDeleteWhat about how this breed (or another like it) has given shape to breed restrictions in local communities. How this has affected the dogs, their owners, the local shelters filling with these dogs or just dumping them off in places. How have these new laws affected the public in the way they view a dog who would once bring no attention walking down the street, to now having to wear a muzzle in public and carry its own liability insurance, regardless of having a prior history, but because of breed labeling.