Sunday, March 28, 2010

Building a Better Teacher

In the article “Building a better teacher”, by Elizabeth Green she gives a call to action that we need to strengthen our teachers to be able to better educate our children. By the 1930’s teachers started to be mass produced. But what is being produced by these teachers is the question at hand. Though the teachers have the correct degree and the technical training to be in their field of work the students may still suffer. As the evidence in this article suggest that there is more to teaching then what is solely learned in the college classrooms.

There are many different methods and styles that are being tested to find the best way to move children forward. Deborah Lowewenberg Ball introduced a test called the Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching; this test has given us a small window to look into the results of the quality of teachers on the quality of students. There has been studies that show that how a teacher fairs on the M.K.T. test, his or her students will follow suit. The children have of a likelihood of scoring lower on standard tests if their teacher also scored low. Ball believes that to teach you must not only know the material but be able to know how your students might also come to the wrong answers.

There are also many different opinions on whether teachers need continuing education or if it should be considered just throwing money away. It is stated that another educational expert Jonah Rockoff, feels as though there is no evidence that having teachers take continuing education classes would increase the knowledge of the student’s under their care. Some schools have tried to introduce a compensation package or merit pay to be able to stay competitive with other professions.

Doug Lemov has been one of the leaders in the field of training teachers. He has videotaped teachers in their classroom which has helped him to become an expert in this field. He has used what he has discovered to introduce 49 techniques called taxonomy soon to be released in a book. He travels to provide training workshops and lectures to teachers. The many different ideas that Lemov has come up with are simple and easy to be used and implemented. “Central to Lemov’s argument is a belief that students can’t learn unless the teacher succeeds in capturing their attention and getting them to follow instructions.” Lemov has seen his taxonomy put into practice and the results have been raised scores.

“Lemov and Ball focus on different problems, yet in another way they are compatriots in the same vanguard, arguing that great teachers are not born but made.”


  1. Hi Lisa,
    I believe that your summary is very accurate and you made sure to get all the main points into the summary. You did a good job putting it into your own words and you used quotations when you took something out of the article.

  2. I agree, I think this summary was well structured. You used examples from the article and backed it up with supporting detail.

  3. Your summary of the article was very well written.The facts are all there and your conclusion was accurate. Condensing all those pages is taxing and you did a great job!

  4. Lisa--

    Overall you've done a good job both of picking out main ideas here and of organizing the info into unified paras. I do have a few suggestions below.

    Minor point: Shorten 1st sentence to "In the article ...Elizabeth Green gives..."

    Par. 1: Are you saying that mass=produced educations from 1930's still continues? A sentence like "But what is being produced by these teachers is the question at hand." doesn't really give much info--awfully vague. I'm not sure about last sentence: can't these suggestions the researchers offer become part of education
    curricula? How else will teachers "get" this info?

    In para. 2 several of sentences seem repetitive, about connex between teachers' performance and students', and then it takes you until last sentence to explain what MKT involves, which seems to need a little more explanation. Can this be transferred to other fields?

    In para. 3, I'm not sure the article makes much of continuing education. Merit pay is discussed, but from Green's point of view seems to be a suggestion that isn't so great?? (It may fit better earlier in your summary, to discuss the "bad" solutions propposed before going on to the ones Green believes have more merit.)

    Again in the para. on Lemov you spend only a little time explaining what his actual ideas are. I'd include more of that and maybe less about his travelling around, etc. The quotes you use are effective, but try not to just drop your quotes into the middle of your writing. I'll put something about dropped in quotes in note before dropbox for Essay 3.
